The contest will test your knowledge of the history of Carthaginian and Roman cultures, offered in two formats: Festival Participants Edition and Schools Edition.

The Cultural Battle
of Carthaginians and Romans


Welcome to the Cultural Battle of Carthaginians and Romans! This year, we celebrate the eighth edition since our founding in 2017. Join in and participate!

This game was created with the following goals:

  • Encourage the participation of Troops and Legions members in cultural and educational activities.
  • Increase knowledge of the history on which the festivities are based.
  • Promote camaraderie and sportsmanship among the Festival Community and the Troops and Legions through gameplay.

The questions cover the Carthaginian and Roman civilizations, along with other influences of the era, focusing especially on the Second Punic War—customs, culture, battles, weaponry, architecture, notable figures, and infrastructures.

Registration form for the VIII Cultural Battle 2024

    Ha leído, comprende y acepta las condiciones de nuestra Política de privacidad.

    Responsable del tratamiento: La Federación de Tropas y Legiones de las Fiestas de Carthagineses y Romanos de Cartagena (La Federación) le informa que, de conformidad con el reglamento europeo en materia de protección de datos 2016/679 del parlamento europeo y del consejo del 27 de abril del 2016 relativo a la protección de datos de las personas físicas (RGPD), el responsable del tratamiento de los datos de carácter personal que nos proporcione es La Federación.
    Finalidad: La finalidad del tratamiento de los datos personales que le solicitamos es para responder a sus solicitudes y prestarle nuestros servicios.
    Publicidad: Solo le enviaremos publicidad con su autorización previa, que podrá facilitarnos mediante la confirmación correspondiente, establecida a tal efecto, en este formulario.
    Legitimación: Únicamente trataremos sus datos con su consentimiento previo, que podrá facilitarnos mediante la casilla de confirmación correspondiente establecida al efecto.
    Destinatarios: Con carácter general, sólo el personal de nuestra entidad que esté debidamente autorizado podrá tener conocimiento de la información solicitada.
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    Información adicional: Puede consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre Protección de Datos en nuestra sección de Política de privacidad de

    Trailer for the IV Edition (2020)


    Trailer for the III Edition (2023)

    The Cultural Battle Editio Scholaris


    The Federation of Troops and Legions aims to foster the festive spirit by offering teachers the opportunity to give practical meaning to their teaching work through a project aimed at Primary and Secondary Education students in the Campo de Cartagena region. In a contest format, the Cultural Battle uses gamification to enhance student learning through play.

    The basic objectives of this project are:

    • Encourage student participation in cultural and educational activities related to the Festivities.
    • Enhance knowledge of the history underlying the events we commemorate during the Second Punic War, especially regarding the Carthaginian and Roman civilizations and other influences of the era.
    • Familiarize students from an early age with the cultural and artistic expressions of their environment or city.
    • Improve the atmosphere and sportsmanship among students through gameplay.

    The project will be developed in three phases:

    1. Student Training: In this phase, the Federation will provide the responsible teachers at each educational center with the content and materials for sixth-grade primary and first-year secondary students to work on. A qualifying round will be held at each educational center in a contest format with questions and answers based on the content covered, resulting in ten semifinalists.
    2. Visit from Festival Participants in Period Costumes: Each school and institute will receive a visit from festival participants dressed in period attire, performing a theatrical representation and conducting a contest trial of the Cultural Battle among the ten semifinalists, leading to three finalists from each educational center.
    3. Final of the Cultural Battle Contest: This will take place in an emblematic space in Cartagena, featuring a festive representation in a period atmosphere.

    The Federation will supply all necessary contest materials so that the responsible teacher at their educational center can easily transfer them to the students. Additionally, prizes will be provided for all participants in the second and third phases.

    This is a long-term project intended to have annual continuity, gradually increasing the number of registered schools and institutes. Participation grants the educational center the advantage of subscription rights, ensuring their registration in the following academic year if desired.