Half Year Festive
Here is the compelling proof that the Federation, together with the Council and Senate and supported by the various festivity groups, never rest. As we have done in previous years, the Carthaginians and Romans Festivities carry out a series of promotional and outreach activities under the name “Half-Year Festivities,” typically in May and coinciding with “The Night of the Museums” organized by the Cartagena City Council.
During the Half-Year Festivities, it has become a tradition to set up a mini-camp in the Port of Cartagena area, where tourists and locals can come to meet some of the troops and legions firsthand. They showcase their period costumes, specific activities, unique character, and, why not, information on how to register or participate in the groups.
The Night of the Museums is perhaps one of the best times to experience our festivities from a closer, more familiar, cultural, and social perspective.

Official Poster of the Carthaginian and Roman Festivals
But the Half-Year Festivities don’t end here, as this atmosphere also provides the perfect setting to present new and upcoming projects that are underway or planned for the current year. This makes it the ideal moment, in the presence of authorities, characters, and the presidents of the troops and legions, to unveil the Official Poster for the Carthaginians and Romans Festivities, which will remain in place until the end of the next festivities and has been carefully kept secret until this moment.
It is at this moment that the current year’s Carthaginians and Romans Festivities are given a slogan, marking the start of a full media and promotional campaign.
In the words of the artist who, in their unique vision, has immortalized our festivities that year, they explain the details they aimed to capture in the image, which will remain for posterity in the history of the Carthaginians and Romans.
Finally, the President of the Federation, accompanied by the Senate and Council representatives, gives a celebratory speech and officially kicks off festivities that now carry their own distinct identity.